Handling Equipment

anti backing gate

Anti - Backing Gate

Ours anti- backing gate is a safe and easy way of keeping the sheep moving forward by allowing them to move forwards but not backwards.

sheep footbath

Sheep Footbath

Ours Sheep footbath is a simple easy structure to get sheep through the footbath.

race footbath

Race Footbath

Ours Race footbath is a simple easy structure to get sheep through the footbath.

connection pins

Connection Pins

Ideal for joining hurdle, sheeted hurdle, gate in frame, cattle hurdle.


Sheeted Hurdle

Sheeted hurdle are a sturdy strong hurdle whilst still being safe.



Ours U - frames are a perfect simple way of keeping the race upright and apart.


Race Gate

Ideal for sheep handling systems, Sheep Race, etc.